Near sea offices at Bekhuskaien

  • Price NOK 1,200 per m²/year
  • Area 208 m²
  • Type of local office
  • Bekhuskaien 1 – 4068 Stavanger


Large ceilings in open countryside. Bright rooms with sea views from parts of the room. Contains two cell offices, open landscape, kitchenette, meeting room, supplies, 2 wc, bucket kettle and electricity / data room


Surface treated in 2016. Otherwise from construction year


Contains 2 cell offices, open landscape, kitchenette, meeting room, supplies, 2 wc, bucket kettle, electricity / data room.

Large ceilings in open space area. Bright rooms with sea views from parts of the room.


  • Airconditioning
  • Broadband connectivity
  • Parking


Seafront and centrally located in the center of Stavanger, next to the ferry to Tau.

Matricular information

Cadastral unit number: 52
Property unit number: 558
Municipality number: 1103

Contact property manager Petter Hult at +47 926 25 112 / email

This article was published on 24.07.2017


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